Ivy Tech prepares for Kokomo’s evolving future
Also, Democrats reassembling their party with new leadership
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In the next decade, Kokomo and Howard County will have many new opportunities for growth using newly developed technologies and partnerships that span the globe. One such opportunity is the Stellantis/Samsung battery technology plant now being built north of the Ivy Tech Kokomo Campus.
Ivy Tech Kokomo Chancellor Ethan Heicher and Dean of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Applied Science LaTonya Armstrong are preparing for that future by enhancing Ivy Tech Kokomo’s present curriculum, training faculty, and looking to new course development to educate Kokomo’s workforce of the future.

“We have done training for advanced manufacturing for a long time,” stated Eicher. “We are quite comfortable meeting the training needs for the new battery plant as it applies to maintenance technicians, folks to help keep the line up and running. Around the production of batteries themselves, it is new technology…not just for Kokomo, but for the U.S.”
At the end of January there were only 38 lithium battery manufacturing facilities in the U.S. Many more are projected to be online by 2030. The Kokomo plant will manufacture Samsung’s newest EV battery technology, called PRiMX, slated to start production by 2025.
To prepare for this upcoming challenge Ivy Tech Kokomo has consulted with other colleges and universities with battery development and construction courses, along with sending faculty to Korea to absorb facets of emerging battery manufacturing techniques and Korean corporate culture.
Armstrong noted, “We have established connections with our other educational partners to discover what is best for the new venture that we are about to encompass.”
“Preparing a workforce to not only do the work in a new facility, but in an environment that is more diverse than we are used to, that is going to be a wonderful and fascinating addition to our community,” added Heicher.
At the same time new technologies emerge, present skills such as welding improve techniques and change requirements for the Indiana workforce. State Rep. Mike Karickhoff authored Indiana House Bill 1211 which adds a section to present Indiana Code on “adequate welding standards” mandating welders engaged on public works projects be certified by the American Welding Society. The bill has passed the Indiana House and now is in the Indiana Senate. If passed, the requirements would start in July 2023.
Armstrong stated that, “We actually embed the tenets of AWS (The American Welding Society) into the program.” The welding program has an AWS Certified Welding Instructor faculty member who can advise students on correct standard welding procedures for various types of materials.
Heicher added, “All of those program areas teach toward competencies…we rely on third party verifications…going through national certifications. We had public works money in building our campus…and former (welding) students working on site in our new building. Our best approach to learning is always to communicate early and often with employer partners…and to listen.”
Democrats reassembling their party with new leadership
The Howard County Democratic Party has had a rough four years. Following the upheaval in 2019 that saw literally every Democrat removed from office in Kokomo politics, it nearly happened again in 2022. And those losses were coupled with an exodus from the party.
But the local Democrats are not dead. In fact, they are rebuilding. Last month, a new leadership team was elected, and Lisa Washington is now the chairperson. A nurse and community advocate, she ran unsuccessfully for Howard County Commissioner in 2022, but her journey didn’t end in November. To the contrary, that election cycle was just the beginning for her as well as other candidates on that ballot.
Joining Washington among the party’s new leadership is Gary Rhinebarger, who is the vice chairman, RebekahAnn Renner as secretary, and former party chairman Bob Stephenson as treasurer. Former mayor of Kokomo Steve Daily continues to be involved as the head of candidate recruitment.
Rhinebarger and Renner both were on the 2022 ballot but have decided to remain active in rebuilding the Democratic party. Stephenson was the last party chairman to experience widespread success, with big wins in city and county politics. And Daily’s legacy as mayor and political leader shaped the Democratic party in Howard County for a generation.
Washington feels great confidence in the new leadership team.
“Gary knows Kokomo,” said Washington of her second in command. “I relied on him a lot last year during the campaign, and I value his leadership abilities. Rebecca is new to the community, but she is younger and is very tech savvy. She may be a lot more in tune with new ideas, new ways of doing things. It’s good to have her perspective.
“Bob’s experience is so important. He knows the community, and he knows the party. He knows what worked in the past. He knows the players. And Steve is old hat at this. He knows how to get people. He got me.”
What the party didn’t get, however, was a full slate of candidates for the primary ballot this spring. Only two Democrats will appear on the May 2 ballot. Essie Foster and Adrienne Akers are running for the Kokomo Common Council at large, of which there are three available seats. Washington pledged that the general election ballot will look very different.
“We had hoped to have more candidates on the ballot, but we will get some more,” said Washington. “Finding a candidate for mayor is our top priority, and we do have a prospect.”
The second priority for the new leadership is to attract Democrats back to the party. Following the departure of former mayor Greg Goodnight, much of the party’s infrastructure left as well. With them went many people who had been active supporters. Washington’s job is to reconnect some of those people, as well as to find new voices to get involved.
“We had about 20 people show up to our most recent meeting,” said Washington. “We have another 15-20 people who have showed some interest in getting involved. We have to keep working to get them and others active in the party.”
Washington said beyond recruitment and rebuilding, the party’s focus needs to be on this election cycle. That starts in neighborhoods across the city.
“Our candidates need to get out there and talk to people,” said Washington. “They need to identify the issues and know the community. One thing I learned when I canvassed last year is the things you, as a politician, might think are a priority, may not be a priority of the people.
“A lot of the things we heard out there were not the same things we were asked on stage at the forums. We heard, ‘They took our liberties away.’ That was the No. 1 thing we heard. It was all about the COVID restrictions in 2020. We had some very good conversations about that.”
As the community moves further away from the pandemic era, Washington fully expects the priorities and concerns of the people will shift as well. In fact, she already has heard new concerns that the Democrats will need to address this year.
“Some of their concerns were about the economy,” said Washington. “Gas prices. Food prices. Inflation. We have an opportunity now to go out and hear from the people and decide how we want to respond to their concerns. There are big, global issues that we may not be able to impact in local office, but we have to find those issues we can impact.”
While the party hasn’t finalized a platform for this election cycle, the local economy, public health, and food access will be among the issues the Democrats will address. Beyond that, Washington believes the people of Kokomo will help them decide what is important, but it will take communication.
We need the community to listen to us and see what we can offer,” said Washington. “If they like what they see and hear, they need to get involved. As my former pastor, the Rev. Robert A. Lee, used to say, ‘A happy member is involved and informed.’ That was true for the church congregation, and it’s true for the community. A community prospers when they are actively engaged in the effort.”
The Howard County Democrats are reaching out. They have updated their social media and online presence. They are planning events, and soon they will be out in the community to meet people. Those who are interested in joining the Democratic Party, learning more about the local issues they support, or running for office should contact Washington by calling 765-416-1618.