Warming center at Girl Scout House
Foster Park location will be open from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. on Wednesday
The City of Kokomo will open the Girl Scouts House, 815 W. Superior Street (at Foster Park) as a warming center on Wednesday, Jan. 26. The facility will be open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Those in need can ride the Kokomo City Line Trolley to the stop at the Kokomo Senior Center, which is directly east of the Girl Scouts House.
In addition, the Kokomo Rescue Mission continues to provide shelter from the cold during the day in its dining room. If 24-hour shelter is needed, call 765-456-3838 or go to https://kokomorescuemission.org/ for more information.
I don't understand it's great to give shelter to the homeless but wouldn't the evening hours serve them best? God please be with these unfortunate people as the tempature continues to drop.